Logistics & Distribution

Top 9 Security Risks Facing Data Centers in 2025

Security is central to any data center, therefore keeping on top of any associated crime trends and security risks will help you respond appropriately to help mitigate those issues from happening to you.

Using our existing security knowledge, we look into the risks presented to them and what to be on the lookout for in 2025.

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Inside a data center with servers in a row

What Security Attacks Can Data Centers be Faced With

Most will link data centers with cybersecurity attacks such as malware, phishing, data theft, blackmail, and leaks. 

Although these are threats to remain aware of, there are other physical dangers which are beginning to increase.

Theft, vandalism, and violent crimes can all occur at data centers, however, this will often be left on the backburner due to the priority placed on other threats. 

The Costly Consequences of Data Center Security Breaches

Data centers face both physical and cyber risks, making them extremely difficult to manage due to the number of threats they face and the different methods used to commit such crimes. 

Whether it is incapacitating servers, damaging property equipment, or stealing data and high-value material stored there, the consequences can be disastrous for you as a business. 

Due to this, there are several consequences that can be faced following a security breach at your data center:

  • Financial Loss - Including direct costs, lost revenue, reputational damage causing loss of future business, increased insurance premiums, and stock value impact. 
  • Operational Disruption - Due to data blackmail, server shutdowns, stolen/damaged equipment, or malicious software.
  • Legal Consequences - Neglect or non-compliance that cause breaches in either data or physical security could leave you facing large legal bills and even criminal proceedings.
  • Loss of Employees - Security breaches place employees’ safety at risk, leading to a higher turnover.

Generally, security breaches will have a ripple effect that once it has happened, can be difficult to recover from which some businesses may not ever survive. 

As much as many data centers will be aware of the cyber security risks that can be completed remotely, there are many physical dangers which don’t tend to be considered. 

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The Top 9 Security Risks to Data Centers in 2025

Data centers hold valuable information, equipment, and materials, all of which are enticing to criminals for various reasons. 

We explore 9 of the common security risks you need to watch out this year and the risks they could bring to you:

Copper Theft

Many data centers extensively use copper as a critical material for various applications including power cables, electrical connectors, cooling systems, and busbars.

By the end of 2024 copper prices rose by 7.66% from 2023, making it a hot commodity amongst thieves. 

Any buildings where high-value copper can be found, particularly in large amounts, is appealing to criminals and will increase their chance of becoming a target of theft. 

This leads data centers to be prime targets and as there are no signs of copper prices slowing down in 2025, it’s certainly an issue you should be looking out for as we head further into the year.

AI-Powered Cyberattacks

As technology develops so does the tactics that criminals utilize to carry out cyberattacks.

Leveraging the power of AI, attackers use this tool to identify vulnerabilities, develop more precise attacks, and automate tasks like phishing emails, hacking, or malware. 

This sophisticated type of cyberattack is only likely to increase in the year ahead as it allows criminals to have minimal involvement in the actual crime, reducing the risk they face by being involved with this. 

And like with any technology, AI is only expected to evolve meaning more advanced techniques are likely to be developed, creating further risk to your data center and the sensitive information stored there.

Supply Chain Interception

Data centers themselves can be more risky for criminals to intercept often due to their increased security and vast size, making them trickier targets at times. However, intercepting the supply chain can be much simpler.

Whether it be stealing data, introducing malicious software, or stealing physical equipment, supply chain interception can be more appealing to criminals due to its lowered risk.

Cargo theft has been on the rise in recent years and with data centers often transporting high-value equipment and data, the likelihood criminals will continue this throughout 2025 remains high.

Also with many data centers being based in remote locations, the interception of supply chains will be simpler as there are fewer witnesses, vehicles, and threats present which could prevent the crime from taking place. 

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

A DDoS attack is a cyberattack whereby the aim is to incapacitate an online service for legitimate users by overwhelming it with traffic from various sources, often utilizing a network of compromised devices to do so. 

When accomplished successfully, these types of attacks can create loss of business, website or service shutdown, and reputational damage, all of which can be extremely damaging for data centers.

Data centers are the hub of sensitive information and data, making them a popular target for this type of crime as this is where it is managed.

Internal Sabotage

Criminals will go to great lengths for financial gain, even posing as employees to internally sabotage your data center.

Additionally, disgruntled employees may also take matters into their own hands committing criminal acts in response to a dispute, essentially sabotaging your business.

Sabotage could range from property damage and equipment theft to data breaches and blackmail. 

As the cost of living continues to be a struggle for many States, it is becoming more likely that situations like this will occur as individuals desire financial gain even more than they have previously. 

Environmental Hazards

In 2024, the USA faced 27 natural disasters with at least $1 billion in damages.

No matter the type of natural disaster, the impact of such events are devastating leaving many businesses, residents, and Local Authorities to recover and rebuild following this destruction. 

The number of environmental disasters taking place is only expected to rise due to climate change which means all businesses including data centers could be impacted by this.

The route or impact of a natural disaster cannot be guaranteed, instead they often have destructive paths which can be difficult to prepare for. 

As environmental changes continue, the risks of this impacting your data center are increasing.

Poor Security Practices

Some of the biggest security risks can stem from within the data center itself.

Non-compliance and poor security practices can leave you open to other vulnerabilities or errors being made within the business that could create financial loss, reputational damage, and the destruction or misuse of data. 

For many cybersecurity will be the main focus, however, physical security is just as important.

Looking at the rest of the year ahead, criminals are growing their techniques, meaning the security the better.

Not protecting the perimeter of your data center provides opportunities of theft, hacking, property damage, and vehicle theft, all of which could have been resolved through boosting your physical security.

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Vehicle Theft 

Most data centers have parking lots that employees will use to park their vehicles, and although you may not think this is directly your responsibility as it is outside the building itself, you’ll be surprised to know it is. 

You hold a responsibility to those using your parking lot to protect them, their personal property, and their vehicles, otherwise you could face financial and legal repercussions of this. 

Vehicle theft is an increasingly common crime, especially as keyless entry cars have made it easier for some criminals to steal them through the use of technology.

Unfortunately, this means it’s likely your parking lot could still be under threat from vehicle theft throughout this year and beyond.

Discover 9 Ways to Make Parking Lot Safer

Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access comes with a multitude of risks because it is not guaranteed what crimes or actions they could carry out once inside of the building. 

This security risk has been ever present throughout the years due to the lucrative business data center crime can bring for criminals and this is no different for 2025.

From property damage and equipment theft to data theft and blackmail, you never know what an unauthorized individual could do.

Hence why external security is so important as in these instances the crime will always begin on the outside of the data center, therefore the best form of defense is to prevent and stop it at the earliest possible stage. 

LotGuard Surveillance Trailer for Beachfront Security

Don’t Press Pause on Your Data Center’s Physical Security

We understand the importance of cybersecurity to ensure the protection of your data, however, don’t let physical security simply slip behind. 

There are many crimes that data centers face where criminals will need to enter the site’s perimeter and the best way to manage this is to take immediate action.

Having internal surveillance systems are beneficial for evidential gathering, but do not prevent unauthorized access from taking place. 

At LotGuard, we formed a solution that provides physical security right where crime will begin, in your parking lot. 

Physical security breaches will often begin on the external areas of your property and our Surveillance Trailers can be slotted easily into your parking lot to help deter, detect, and dispatch response before they enter your data center.

Backed by remote monitoring services, they work as a virtual security guard that is always awake, always alert, and requires no breaks in comparison to physical guards.

Most data centers will often be placed in remote locations, but this does not mean they are void of any risks. 

Power and internet connectivity can be difficult in these instances, but with our Trailers, we use cellular connectivity and solar power to ensure they remain completely power autonomous. 

Speak with one of our LotGuard specialists today to see how we can protect your data center from physical breaches!

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Top 9 Risks to Distribution Centers in 2025 (1)

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