General Parking Lot Security


The Benefits of Parking Lot Surveillance Cameras

Utilizing mobile video surveillance cameras to provide security at parking lots has many benefits, from 24/7/365 protection, high-quality digital evidence, cost-effectiveness and reliability.

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Property Management Solar Surveillance Trailer

Utilizing mobile video surveillance units as the primary security solution at your parking lots provides several benefits, from 24/7/365 protection and high-quality digital evidence through to reduced security spend and reliability. 

LotGuard is the USA's leading supplier of parking lot surveillance systems, and below we explore the key benefits associated with selecting surveillance cameras for you at retail, dealership, hotel, office or any other parking lots.

Benefits of Parking Lot Surveillance Cameras - LotGuard USA

Crime Mitigation

Parking Lots are all too often an easy mark for thieves. Statistics show that the vast majority of crime at retail outlets, malls and offices occurs in the parking lot.

This equates to over 2 million parking lot crimes every year, with over $6B of property loss associated with those crimes. Crime rates typically by around 30% during the holidays.

LotGuard provides a visible security solution that not only acts as a deterrent to criminal activity, but also provides reassurance to your guests, customers and employees that their vehicles are protected by a high tech surveillance system.

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High-Quality Video Evidence

As well as working to deter crime, our LotGuard systems store HD quality video (up to 1080p) which can be used as evidence in any Law Enforcement investigation.

The video clips are stored locally via edge-recording technology, meaning there's no latency when you need to access footage in an emergency, or patented 1-2-1 video relationship means no cumbersome cloud technology or waiting for clips to download. 

Evidence captured by a LotGuard unit has been instrumental in investing crimes and vehicular accidents/hit and runs - helping to reduce businesses liability claims and improving reputation.

LotGuard Retail Surveillance

Save on Your Security

The cost of employing security guards to protect your parking lots is often prohibitive.

Although costs vary state to state, an unarmed guard will cost between $12 - $20 per hour with an armed guard costing $18 -$25 per hour.*

Those cost don't include any variations such as the requirement for multiple guards to cover larger lots, the cost of ongoing training, vetting, rest facilities and vehicles - all of which will push rates higher - and that's before any public holiday premium rates are factored in.

A LotGuard unit is often anywhere up to 87% cheaper than the cost of employing security guards, but without any compromising on quality or results.


Always Awake. Always On Guard.

Mobile surveillance units provide a more accurate and detailed overview of incidents that occur at parking lots than a security guard is able to.

This includes being able to identify criminal activity in the pitch blacknesses. Camera technology such as infrared, thermal imaging, and video analytics allow a LotGuard to see things a human eye would miss entirely.

A LotGuard can also view a much wider area than a security guard, and most importantly, LotGuard never loses concentration, not even for a second.

Our cameras are always awake, they are ready to stop and catch thieves, vandals and other would-be criminals 24/7/365. They don’t suffer lapses in concentration or attention fatigue. 

LotGuard Surveillance Trailer Deployed at Tom Thumb Parking Lot

From a technology perspective, a LotGuard fitted with surveillance cameras powered by market-leader WCCTV, represents the next generation of unmanned security in terms of convenience, flexibility and quality.

Live and archived footage can be accessed via  4G LTE and Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to remotely view and download the video via smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC or via an existing video management system.

Ready to learn more about LotGuard? Call our team today on 877 805-9475 or email