Property Management

Property Crime Predictions for 2025: What Trends to Expect

With a spike in shoplifting and HVAC unit thefts, 2024 has shown that although overall property crime is declining, criminals are continuously developing their approach, and your property could be targeted in the process.

Get ahead of the trends with LotGuard’s property crime predictions for 2025.

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2025 Property Crime Predictions

In general, property crime has been on the decline over the last five years, however, new property targets and developed approaches will mean your property may not be as risk-free as you think it is.

Property Crime: A Year in Review

In the first half of 2024, property crime showed a downward trend, as it was reported that there was a 13.1% decrease between January and June compared to that of the same period in 2023.

Despite this overall downward pattern across property crime, there were mixed trends. 

For residential burglaries, there was a decrease of 14%, while non-residential burglaries decreased slightly less by 10% and larcenies by 6%. 

These statistics continued to follow the steady decline that had been seen over previous years, likely due to the development of technology as personal property becomes harder to target.

However, decreases have not been seen across the board, as shoplifting rose by 24% during the first half of 2024, and motor vehicle theft more than doubled in comparison to the same period five years prior. 

As can be previously seen with HVAC units and the targeted metal theft faced, property crime continually evolves as criminals locate new targets across the property industry, leaving many vulnerable without even knowing they are at risk. 

Understanding what to expect allows you to prepare for the threats you can be presented with and prevent them from happening in the first place.

WCCTV’s Property Crime Predictions for 2025

By utilizing the property crime statistics from 2024 and combining them with our 20 years of knowledge and experience in security solutions, we have formed our five property crime predictions for 2025 (with security tips, too).

Find out what you can expect over the upcoming year and the best support methods available to you.

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Retail Property to be Targeted as Crime Tactics Develop

Retail has been suffering over recent years and this is looking to continue as it is projected that there will be losses of around $140 billion in 2025 due to retail theft if trends continue as they do. 

There has been a sharp increase in more aggressive tactics such as, smash and grab theft, and ORC where thieves have shown to be angrier in their approach. Although these types of theft are not entirely new, due to this year’s surge in behaviour, the success in smash and grab theft is likely only to encourage thieves in future.

Theft such as this relies on speed, therefore, your approach with security should both prevent the crime from taking place, whilst reacting fast with capturing any events and contacting the relevant authority or law enforcement.

Surveillance Trailers can be placed in your retail parking lot to create a crime deterrence, creating a first line of defense that aims to mitigate risks such as, retail theft

For active crime, our Surveillance Trailers have voice-down audio, sirens, lights, and a back-up monitoring center that work to contact law enforcement or relevant authority quickly to ensure the best possible chance that they can arrive before the criminals leave.

Additionally, at WCCTV, our Mobile Surveillance Cameras use infrared, AI analytic video, and PTZ technology that allows you to capture crystal clear imagery and video. This helps with reporting any criminal activity.

Find Out How we Currently Support Goodwill Kentucky with this 

Property Development to Continue Causing Jobsite Theft Risks

In October 2024 it was reported that the rate of single-family authorizations under construction was 968,000, while the rate of authorizations for units in buildings with five units or more was 393,000.

This construction is only likely to grow as the newly-elected President has vowed to boost housing construction on federal land to support the housing crisis there. This will leave many properties at risk in 2025 to construction jobsite theft and crime.

Properties under construction will often hold valuable machinery, equipment, and material. If construction increases as expected, this will make them target locations for criminal activity. 

Before construction starts, consider how you will secure your jobsite in the new year and protect from theft. When equipment or materials are stolen, this not only creates financial implications on the business, but it also creates delays. 

LotGuard’s Surveillance Trailers provides a temporary mobile surveillance solution that suits your site’s security needs for the project length you are covering. This ensures you only have security for the period of time required without having to skip on quality. 

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Continued Rise in Copper Price to Cause Further Property Crime

UBS recently reported that the price of copper, along with other metal is expected to rise in 2025. Particularly with copper where due to a predicted deficit of more than 200,000 tons next year, prices are expected to average at $10,500. 

Due to both the deficit and price increase likely to come, you can expect thieves to be aware of this also and want to profit from this themselves, targeting properties where HVAC units are exposed or other property items where this is available. 

Household property such as, building wire, plumbing tubes, heat pumps, dishwashers, and refrigerators all have copper within them, meaning that HVAC units are not the only point of concern being targeted next year. 

With most properties, whether it is commercial, industrial, and residential, there will be appliances where copper will be present, as well as other metals. The best response to protect your property is through a Mobile Surveillance Solution that can be placed externally near any access points.

Our LotGuard PRO Surveillance Trailers provide a portable security solution that can be used to monitor and mitigate any threats including metal theft. These can be used across various industries in their parking lots to support your individual property needs and the risks they face.

Vacant Homes at All-Time High with Homelessness Expected to Rise Even Further

Just over 5.6 million housing units are vacant across the nation’s 50 largest metros, however, even with vacant homes on an increase over the last few years, homelessness is at an all-time high.

In 2023 it was reported that there were 653,104 homeless people estimated to be living in America, and with uncertainty of the future, it is unknown how this will be responded to in 2025.

With a high number of vacant properties and even higher number of homeless individuals, this could potentially lead to two potential issues: the first being with an increase in residential home crime such as, squatting, vandalism, and drug usage, and the other with commercial property and an increase in homelessness encampments.

Vacant properties in general are vulnerable to multiple risks due to the lack of occupancy and the best way to support this is through implementing an effective security solution that can monitor and deter crime taking place on site.

Our Solar Surveillance Trailers provide that set of eyes, both day and night in a more cost effective way than other surveillance solutions whilst providing human back-up via monitoring centers that work to further prevent crime and capture live events. 

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Large Property Parking Lots to Become Targets For Motor Vehicle Thefts

With motor vehicle theft having doubled over the past five years, parking lots continue to be prime targets for thieves due to the high number of vehicles and large areas they span over, making security difficult to monitor. 

It can take just 30 seconds to break into cars nowadays and with many drivers carrying more high-value items in their cars such as, electronics, car radios, and GPS devices, car thefts are not looking to minimize, in fact if it follows previous trends it only looks likely to increase.

Large commercial parking lots are likely to be key targets in 2025 as its vast area allows for perfect hiding places for thieves to get away with their crimes without concern of being caught. 

Properties with parking lots have a duty of care for those utilizing the facilities and can face financial implications, therefore preparing for the new year not only protects individuals’ cars but also your business.

There are many precautions that can be taken to prevent parking lot crime, however the best method is through a surveillance solution like the LotGuard PRO Surveillance Trailer. This Mobile Surveillance solution can be placed in your parking lot and moved wherever you like to help deter crime and capture it to support any criminal proceedings in future.

Find Out How we Supported Park ‘N’ Fly with this

Prepare Your Property For the New Year

You can never be too prepared, especially with your property. Crime can be costly and with financial implications often falling on you, the best way to prevent this is to secure your property and prevent crime from taking place.

Time to take control of the property crime and find out how we can support you and your property needs in 2025 by contacting us today!

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